Dustyjam has been pivotal in establishing Singapulah's brand identity since its inception, crafting its cornerstone branding and extending support to various collateral and menu designs. Following its grand opening, our marketing strategy has primarily targeted the Chinese demographic, with comprehensive promotions on platforms such as Xiaohongshu and Douyin. These efforts aim to cultivate a local Chinese clientele within the vibrant culinary landscape of London.

Singapulah - Bringing Authentic Singaporean Cuisine to London

With Dustyjam's expert guidance, Singapulah has seamlessly integrated traditional Singaporean flavors into London's culinary scene. Our focused marketing efforts on platforms like Xiaohongshu and Douyin have successfully engaged the local Chinese community, highlighting our commitment to authenticity and excellence.

Let Dusty Jam take your brand to new heights, just as we did for Singapulah.

Click to see more of our work: Website


- Corporate Identity Design (Menu Design / Packaging Design)

- Website Design


- Integrated Marketing

- Influencer Marketing

- Social Media Management

- Content Creation
